Assalamualaikum. Welcome to my blog. I'm Iva, owner of this diary. There have some stories and hijab tutorials here. Thank you for visiting this blog. Follow my blog and keep on reading my stories. Thank you . . . . .

Sunday, 27 November 2011

love yourself :)

Hello friends! 
Sekarang telah masuknya waktu yang diberi nama pukul 7.49 malam. Nak cakap selamat malam, terlalu awal untuk pergi tido hewhew ^^
Kali ni Iva nak share satu bende sikit hm. Tadi saja-saja lah search kat GOOGLE about Self Quotes.
And I've found sedikit quotes yang Iva rasa 'okay I likee!' hehe

  • When people believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. ~Norman Vincent Peale

  •  To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

  •  By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before. ~Edwin Elliot

  • Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid. ~Albert Einstein

  • Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you will ever own. ~Mary Schmich 

  • Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it. ~Thaddeus Golas

  • The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else. ~E. E. Cummings

  • It's not your job to like's MINE! ~Byron Katie

  • I was once afraid of people saying, "Who does she think she is?" Now I have the courage to stand and say, "This is who I am." ~Oprah Winfrey

  • Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein

  • You really have to look inside and find your inner strength, and say, "I'm proud of what I am and who I am, and I'm just going to be myself." ~ Mariah Carey 

que sera sera :)

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me <3


Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Origin of IND :)

Nak tahu tak mana datangnya nama Iva ni?
Sebenarnyee nama ni ibu yang reka, awalnya waktu sekolah dulu ibu ada senior nama Khatulistiwa. Ibu panggil die Kak Iwa. So ibu tukar-tukar sikir, jadilah IVA HEHE.
NAZATUL tu ibu amek nama kawan baik dia masa sekolah dulu. 
Dan Durrah tu ayah yang pilih, cantuman nama ayah (Dipo Negoro) dan ibu (Rahimah). Adjust-adjust sikit jadilah DURRAH.
Konon-kononnya nak kelainan sikit.
So muncullah Iva Nazatul Durrah bt. Dipo Negoro
The End :)

Confuse #$%&*

Welcome to my messy closet HAHA :p

Kita selalu confused nak pakai baju ape kalau kita nak keluar pergi mana-mana ><
Sampai ibu selalu marah-marah hehe 'Hang ni kalau keluar nak pakai baju ape pun ibu nak kena pilih ke?'

^-^v peace Ibu

Hmmm :l

Boleh tak jangan jadi childish sangat? Stakat pasal facebook pun nak gaduh ke?
Eh c'mon lahh be a mature guy okay?! Ishh sebab tulahh aku malas nak couple-couple ni. 
Jadi hal macam ni lah. Nasib baik SINGLE ^_^ peace!
Senang nak buat apepun boleh. Kadang-kadang aku tengok para boyfriend mostly bertindak macam 'hubby'.
Eh meluat lahh. Jangan nak bertindak melebihi parents perempuan tu sendiri boleh kan?
Tak semestinya kalau nak tunjuk tanda sayang kat seseorang tu kena control ape semua tindak tanduk dia.
Orang yang dah kahwin pun tak bertindak seteruk tu taw! Haiyooo~
 Tolong jangan jadi seseorang yang merimaskan okay?
Eh c'mon lahh guysss. C'mon lahh. Haishhh pelisssss lahhh *eh kau dah apsal Iva..tetibe jehh* mwehehe
Okay I take back the love and my heart belongs to me.
Kbye ;)


Bangun pagi-pagi, terbayang nasi lemak, roti canai, atau bihun goreng ke, mee goreng ke, tapi ada KARIPAP jehh -.-
 Takpelah syukur. Ada jugak breakfast pagi ni, daripada takda.
Goodmorning sunshineee.
 Macam biasa rutin harian, bangun tido, mandi, makan, tengok TV, pegi dapur menyemak selongkar makanan kat fridge, onlinee, chat-chat dengan u olls pastu gelak tibe-tibe *sakai*, pasang lagu kuat-kuat tetibe ibu join sekaki -.- *err err* gaduh dengan 2 orang adik gedik kat rumah ni pastu elok balik secara tibe-tibe bla bla bla....
Kenapa aku rasa cuti kali ni macam err emm ape? Seronok? Lempang nak, aku belum habis ckp lagi. Macam boringggggg jewpp :3
Takpelah. Lagi 3 minggu je nak balik merlemonn.
^_^ peace

Friday, 25 November 2011


I've found someting on GOOGLE! 
See? :D

 Welcome to HOHO

Heyllooww I'm Iva. I'm a QUEEN!! opps, ter'overr'. Princess jelahh low profile SIKIT :p 

There's my name on screen TV's !!

Okay I'm old lady named Iva.
Charter Oak, California -.-


Okay kiteee sangat-sangat boringg okay. Cuti yang sungguh-sungguh membosankan.
Search my name on GOOGLE, then errr found the LOLOLOL stuff haha :D
See ya!

I'm back !

Hello peeps! Sorry dah lama sangat tak update blog ni. Takde masa atau dengan suku kata lain MALAS .

Sekarang Iva tengah cuti semester. Tiba-tiba rajin nak update balik blog ni. Mula-mula macam, 'Eh, apa email dgn password ni?' Lupeee :D
Then try punya try, baru dapat sign in hehe.

Tak sabar nak masuk sem 3, tapi taknak tahu result sem 2 ni boleh tak? Pleaseeee boleh lah eh? Taw taw? 

Baru berapa hari cuti, aku rasa macam -.- apeee ni cuti yang membosankann. Hari-hari buat bende yang sama, bangun tido mandi makan tengok tv mengadap internet, agak-agak macam mulut ni kosong aku gagahkan diri untuk ke dapur atau selongkar fridge, makan makan dan makan walaupun tak lapar LOL. Dan begitu lah berulang-ulang.

Hari tu adik Iva pengaruh suruh tengok bola, semalam WWE, lepas ni ape pulakk pun tak tahulahh. Rasa macam, err kenapa cuti aku kali ni macam lain macam je? Tengok bola? WWE? Tapi best jugak hehe. Best SIKIT je okay!

Pleaseeee lah Iva nak keluar tengok wayang keluar dengan kawan-kawan boleh tak, bu? Boleh lahh Ibuuuuuuu :'(

Hm, kitee rasa kan, macam dah tak tahu je nak cakap ape ni. Nanti kitee tulis-tulis lagi taw. Bubyee.